Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ignorance is bliss or is it?

So they say that ignorance is bliss but I'm beginning to wonder if that is really true. The reason I say this is that I have been ignorant in regards to my health. As usual, I have let other things and/or people become priority and my health suffers. On paper everything is great (minus my weight) and I am truly grateful for that. All my blood works always comes back pretty good (with some deficiencies that a few vitamins can help) but I am not on any prescription drugs which is a blessing. I have all kind of excuses which are facts of what really happened but again I just allowed those things to be priority over my health is what it comes down to. I'm having to learn to love myself and make myself priority which is not a easy task from a people pleaser that would much rather make everyone else happy while I suffer. My suffering stems from the ability to be active. My knees and lower back are absolutely unhappy with me and it is affecting my ability to walk/stand. I'm in the process of trying to rule out Guillain-Bar syndrome or non traumatic spinal cord compression which are possibilities. 
So I've been tracking what I eat and although I eat about 1/2 as much as I did prior to surgery I'm still amazed at how many calories, fat, carbs etc. I'm still eating. So making more of a conscious effort to track what I eat and stay within certain ranges. Back to drinking protein shakes to help cut back calories and increase my protein. My husband and I really don't eat "bad" (he's type II diabetic) but it just surely adds up. He's really into cooking a diabetic friendly meal which means low carb/sugar and that benefits me as well. We've really got into cauliflower rice in a big way. I've never been a big rice eater but we do eat cauliflower rice at least twice a week. We eat ground turkey mostly and then some chicken and fish. Ground turkey agrees with me more than the others do. Which brings me to another thing, I need to listen to my body (and if you are reading this, you need to listen to your body). Your body will tell you when something doesn't agree with it. Stop ignoring the signs and listen and try to replace those things with something else. My body does not like beef. I don't eat beef and if I do I know I have to eat it very slow (that is they only way I can eat it). I use a great app for bariatric patients but I'm telling you it is good for anyone because it gives you reports on what you ate in the last 30 days (highest in carbs, sugar etc or lowest in carbs, sugar etc) as well as exercise, water and just a lot of details. It is 15 pages of interesting stuff. The app is called Baritastic for those that want to use it (available on apple and android).
The other part of my issue has been exercise. I'll be honest I haven't found the right gym since I left the YMCA in Rancho Penasquitos/Encinitas. With my back/knee issues I need to use the pool. The pool needs to have stairs that I can go up and down. The last gym my husband and I joined had stairs so steep I could barely get into or out of the pool. My husband said it was hard for him too so we stopped going to that one. It is odd to build a pool with steep stairs being it is so slippery. Anyhow, so we have a few options we are working on. Our ideal is to buy a house and put a pool in but we aren't there yet (soon hopefully). Honestly, if I had a pool in my backyard I would exercise more often. I know people say that but I really do love it. I just have the embarrassment in public issue and the I don't want to fall and slip and slide and hurt myself issue. I really do love the pool though.
In one of my facebook groups I had posted asking for people who would like some more accountability in a small group form. I had 130+ people respond. So I created 6 groups of about 20ish people to connect and hold each other accountable. That felt good but now I have to put myself into one of those groups and get going on that. With that said my goal is to try to be more accountable to myself and posting on here. Even if no one reads it I have put it out there and someone "might" which is good enough for me. It won't be daily but maybe weekly, semi-weekly or no less than monthly. 
Now I need to go get my vitamins ready for the week! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Commitment To My Health

Yes, I'm still alive and well. I sorta of went into hiding which is something I know from past history that is not a good thing to do. This last year I struggled in regards to my health. I just got so frustrated with the breakdown of my body despite losing a tremendous amount of weight. I've since realized that is the exact mindset that got me to my 550+ pounds and I cannot allow myself to go there again.

The surgery was successful; however, my mind has not been. People don't realize that having the surgery isn't like taking a magic potion and you are thin forever. It is a lot of hard work and dedication and, as I've always said, all about mindset. I've not regained all of my weight and not even 1/2 of what I've lost which is the good news. The bad news is I've regained approximately 75 pounds. I still have lost over 200 pounds which I still feel is victorious. I'm going to be realistic and say that my goal is to loose about another 130ish pounds to be at a goal that is good for me. It isn't a goal that was approved by my doctor but a goal that I feel will be good for me considering the skin I still have to deal with (and it does weigh something). Of course, when I get to that goal I can always change my mind if I feel like I can and should lose more weight but I feel like it is more realistic for me. I've come to realize I will probably not be one of those people who lose weight and become thin forever. I don't think I'll ever be "thin" but the key to me is healthy and feeling good. I've noticed in gaining some weight my knees are really screaming at me. They definitely hurt more than they did 75 pounds ago. So it is yet another reason to get rid of the excess weight. 

I'm going to be doing a cleanse starting next week for 10 days and then for additional 14 days a strict diet. It isn't so much about the cleanse or diet as it is about the restrictions and discipline I need at the moment. I know it will make me feel good about myself to be able to do this and as a benefit I'm sure I will lose some weight which will help me kick off my health stewardship, once again. I will be cutting sugar out of my diet completely. I've done it once and I know I can do it again. I also know it is very hard for me since I am addicted to sugar and love all things (ok, most thing) sweet. The other thing that will be hard for me is coffee. I'm not going to have any coffee which is hard in that it is my comfort. Especially during the work week, I love my hot coffee. I love the taste and the comfort it brings me in the mornings as I don't do mornings well. It really isn't about the caffeine for me but truly just the habit and comfort. So I'm forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone which is always a good idea although something I rarely enjoy. I do have a back-up plan which is my herbal peppermint tea which I do enjoy tremendously. I'll also have to experiment with other herbal tea flavors (please respond below with any suggestions). 

Last year I also started my own business which was very stressful but a good decision. I have no regrets but getting into the swing of things and making my own business decisions was something I didn't consider. I have a OCD type personality when it comes to my work and I am really prideful as well which acts as a double whammy. This last year, I overworked myself and made no time for me, hubby or fun. So I need to learn to take care of me and balance it all. I need to remember that most things others won't know I didn't complete. I have always liked to stay somewhat near on track for my own peace of mind and have to learn to let things go if I'm not exactly near or on course as to where I'd like to be for work. I'm a super hard worker but I need to realize I need to make time for working out, eating healthy, family, friends and fun. I sort of lost all of that in my work. 

So I am going to try to get back on this blog to recommit myself and keep myself accountable. Please feel free to email or post a message if you don't hear from me. All of you mean a lot to me in keeping accountable.

Good night and HAPPY 2015!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Shanda's Health Steward Update



Remember me? Some of you know me as your daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin, friend, co-worker or acquaintance. I haven’t completely fallen off the grid although I do admit it has been way too long since I have posted an update. Life has sort of just gotten in the way and I’m trying hard to focus on being “healthy” as I can be.


So as far as weight loss goes I haven’t had a ton of progress in the last 9 months or so. My body has just been teetering between the same 5 pounds. I’ve lost a total (about) of 295 pounds which I am very proud of myself and am definitely giving myself credit for. Not many people can say they’ve lost that much weight nor can many people even say they weight that much. So that is a HUGE victory for me. I’ve learned A LOT on my journey and my #1 focus is to keep the weight off. In this process I’ve learned that maybe my goal weight isn’t a realistic weight for me. I have things to consider as extra skin, muscle, bone density, etc. I’ve learned that clothes size is a more practical measurement of where you should be. So in shirt size I’m at goal for the most part. I think once I lose more in my tummy (or get skin removed) I will be able to wear the next size down more comfortably. In pant size I’m not where I want to be. The big factor there is the skin removal that is needed not only in my stomach but my thighs. My thighs seem to be a huge problem (probably more than my stomach). I feel like I will lose about 2-3 pant sizes which will make me about 2 pant sizes from my goal size.  My personal trainer has told me many times that she doesn’t think I have a whole lot of “fat” left to lose which makes me feel a little bit better too but I do know I still have some work to do.


I’m still working out in my water classes. Doing water aerobics and water zumba. I’m having a blast with them especially with water zumba. It is so rewarding to be able to move in ways I wasn’t able to before. Again… I’m NEVER going back!


So I know people that have lost weight (a lot or a little) and have gained it back (myself included). That is why I decided as long as I don’t gain any weight I would be content at my current weight (assuming my health stays good as it is right now). I’m considered “healthy” with a few minor malabsorption issues that go along with the territory (Vitamin D, Iron). But I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am so happy I’ve given myself this awesome tool and have been able to use it to get the unhealthy portion of my life gone and gain the healthy portion of my life.


I encourage those of you on the fence about it to at least research it. I don’t promote this for everyone but it is a great tool for some people who are realistic about it and who have been truly trying everything else and haven’t had any luck. It isn’t magic… you have to work it…. You have to make the healthy decisions…but it does make it a tiny bit easier to make those healthy decisions and to eat smaller portions. If you or someone you know ever wants to talk to me about it PLEASE do. I know I couldn’t have made the decision without the input of some of you reading this who had the surgery before I did (you know who you are). But it isn’t about surgery really… it is about a healthy lifestyle. It is about changing habits that we get so comfortable in. It is about fighting the rebel in us that allows us to shove our feelings with food. It is about getting rid of the excuses. We need to fight for our health. We need to find that small part of us that is willing to fight it even though we don’t necessarily think so great about who we see in the mirror. I’ve been there. I’ve had to fake it for a long time and I’m finally slowly starting to love myself and see the beautiful person I am (inside and out). It is hard to see a beautiful person at 579 pounds (my highest weight) but not only physically but mentally. All I saw was death… I knew I was going down that path so my mind set was already set for doom and gloom. We need to remember we are human and make errors but now is the time to do something about your health. NOW! YOU CAN DO IT NOW! I’m so humbled by the 2nd chance I got at life. I am certain that if I didn’t do something that more than likely I wouldn’t be on this earth today sharing my story. I’m certain I probably would have had an heart attack that killed me in my mid 30’s.


I have friends that tell me that I have inspired them to do lose weight. I love to hear that because that is all that makes me happy now. I have my health (which I won’t take for granted) but now I want to help anyone and everyone I can.


With that said… a little random blurb about my skin removal. My insurance has denied me once already for the skin removal (don’t worry I’m going to keep fighting) but I do know that they won’t agree to everything that I need. I’m trying to use what I do for a living to raise money for my skin removal. So if you or someone you know needs to buy or sell real estate CONTAT ME! If you have a realtor already that you may want to use I can still receive a “referral fee” which can be a significant amount of money and you can still use your Realtor. It is NO COST TO YOU. I’ve been in the real estate field for 15 years and it is how I make a living. So contact me if you have any questions about how this works as I don’t want to beat a dead horse (and I really do hate to ask but that’s part of my job). J


With that said I am going to end it here. I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m loving myself more each day and I want YOU to love yourself no matter what. Please contact me with questions, comments, concerns, complaints…absolutely anything. I am here for YOU!


My Best,
